Implemented Kernel Functions

  • 2D Cubic Spline Kernel for \(\kappa = 2h,\, \alpha = \frac{5}{14 \pi h^2}, \, r=\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert, \, q=\frac{r}{h}\) :

    \[W_{\text{spline}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \begin{cases} (2-q)^3 - 4(1-q)^3& 0 \leq q < 1\\ (2-q)^3 & 1 \leq q < 2\\ 0 & q \ge 2 \end{cases}\] \[\nabla W_{\text{spline}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \frac{\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}}{\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert h}\begin{cases} -3(2-q)^2 +12 (1-q)^2& 0 \leq q < 1\\ -3(2-q)^2 & 1 \leq q < 2\\ 0 & q \ge 2 \end{cases}\]
    • Vanishing gradients as \(r\to 0\) problematic for pressure computation?
  • 2D Spiky Kernel suggested by Müller, Charypar, Gross after Desbrun, Cani normalized for 2D for \(\kappa = 2h,\, \alpha = -\frac{10}{\pi\kappa^5}, \, r=\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert\) :

    \[W_{\text{spiky}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \frac{\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}}{\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert}\begin{cases} (\kappa-r)^3& 0 \leq r \leq \kappa\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\] \[\nabla W_{\text{spiky}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \frac{\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}}{\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert}\begin{cases} (\kappa-r)^2& 0 < r \leq \kappa\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]
    • Unrealistic viscous behaviour?
    • Wrong density estimation for ideal sampling?
  • 2D Double Cosine Kernel proposed by [Yang, Peng,Liu] for \(\kappa = 2h,\, \alpha = \frac{\pi}{(3\pi^2-16)(\kappa)^2}, \, r=\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert, \, s=\frac{r}{h}\):

    \[W_{\text{cos}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \begin{cases} 4\cos(\frac{\pi}{2}s)+\cos(\pi s)+3& 0 \leq s \leq 2\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\] \[\nabla W_{\text{cos}}(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}) := \alpha \frac{\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}}{\lVert\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\rVert}\begin{cases} -2\frac{\tau}{\kappa}\sin(\frac{\pi}{2}s)-\frac{\tau}{\kappa}\sin(\pi s)& 0 \leq s \leq 2\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

Kernel Function Plots

Kernel Functions for \(\kappa = 2h,\, h=1\)

  • Surprisingly equal integral? Projection to 1D may be at fault, outer regions weigh quadratically more in 2D integral

Magnitude of Kernel Gradient over \(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_{ij}\) for Cubic Spline and Spiky Kernel:

Testing the Kernel Function

  • Kernel properties are tested
    • Integrals are implemented with Monte Carlo, \(N=10^{8}\) on \(\Omega=[-2.1h; 2.1h]\)
    • Accepted error is \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\)
    • They are checked again with Riemann sums of \(n=10^4,\, \epsilon=10^{-9}\)
    • All other tests are run \(N\) times with random \(\mathbf{\vec{x_i}, \vec{x_j}}\)
    \[\begin{align} &W(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{x_i} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert, \kappa) > 0&& \text{Positivity}\\ \forall r>\kappa:\quad &W(r, \kappa) = 0,\quad \nabla W(r, \kappa) = 0&&\text{Compact support}\\ &W_{ij} = W_{ji}&& \text{Symmetry}\\ &\nabla W_{ij} = -\nabla W_{ji} &&\text{Gradient Antisymmetry}\\ \int_{\mathbf{x_j}\in[-\kappa;\kappa]^2}&W(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{0} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert, \kappa)\,dV = 1&&\text{Kernel Integral}\\ \int_{\mathbf{x_j}\in[-\kappa;\kappa]^2}&\nabla W(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{0} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert, \kappa)\,dV = \mathbf{\vec{0}}&&\text{Kernel Gradient Integral}\\ &\nabla W_{ii} = 0 &&\text{Kernel Gradient at Zero is Zero}\\ \end{align}\]
  • For ideal sampling, where \(\kappa = 2h\), \(h\) is the particle spacing a regular grid is used for \(\mathbf{\vec{x}}_j\):

    \[\begin{align} \sum_j&W(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{0} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert, \kappa) = \frac{1}{h^2}&&\text{Integral is Density}\\ \sum_j&\nabla W(\mathbf{\vec{0} - \vec{x_j}}, \kappa) = \mathbf{\vec{0}}&&\text{Gradient Integral is Zero}\\ \sum_j &\left(\mathbf{(\vec{0} - \vec{x}_j)} \odot \nabla W_{ij} \right) = -\frac{1}{V} \cdot \mathbf{\vec{1}}&&\text{Gradient Normalization} \end{align}\]
  • On a \(100\times 100\) regular grid and a random grid, the consistency of each \(\nabla W\) is tested by comparing to a \(\mathcal{O}(\Delta x^4)\) central difference of \(W\) with an accepted error of \(1\%\)
    • ❌ this fails for Cubic Spline for small \(h\) - numerical problem at discontinuity?
    • ❌ always fails for Spiky kernel - smoothness too low?
    • ✅ always passes for Double Cosine kernel

Failed Tests

❌ Ideal Sampling: \(\sum_j \left(\mathbf{(\vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j)} \odot \nabla W_{ij} \right) = -\frac{1}{V} \cdot \mathbf{\vec{1}}\) always fails

Kernel Failed Tests
Cubic Spline ❓ \(W\) and \(\nabla W\): consistency with finite difference?
Spiky Kernel ❌ Ideal Sampling: \(\int_{\mathbf{x_j}\in[-\kappa;\kappa]^2}W(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{0} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert, \kappa) = \frac{1}{h^2}\) off by +27.36%
Double Cosine ✅ None

Stability as an interval over stiffness \(k\)

  • Viscosity: Double Cosine Kernel
  • Pressure and Density Computations: Cubic Spline or Double Cosine
  • Instability for \(\nu=0.02, h=0.03, \lambda=0.1\) is defined as:
    • when a watter column of height \(3\) in a \(3\times 3\) box has \(\epsilon_{\rho}>5\%\) density deviation
    • or starts oscillating at the bottom boundary
  • Results:
    • Double Cosine stable for \(k\in[580; 2400]\)
    • Cubic Spline stable for \(k\in[18200; 93000]\)

Double Cosine Kernel for \(k=580\) and \(k=2000\) (unstable on the left, stable on the right)

Testing Energy Conservation

The Hamiltonian is for now defined as :

\[\mathcal{H} = \sum_i^N \left( m_i \mathbf{\vec{g}} \cdot \mathbf{\vec{x}}_i + \frac{1}{2} m_i \mathbf{\vec{v}}_i \cdot \mathbf{\vec{v}}_i\right)\]

And normalized as \(\mathcal{H}_{min} = mgh_{min}\) and \(\mathcal{H}_{norm} = \frac{\mathcal{H}-\mathcal{H}_{min} }{\lVert \mathcal{H}_{min} \rVert}\) for plotting

but appears to be missing a term that is proportional to the compression of the fluid (internal energy potential?) as indicated by oscillations in a resting water column:

  • Should \(U =\sum_i^N p_i V_i = p_i\frac{m_i}{\rho_i}\) be used to compensate? Can the oscillation even be avoided?

Improving the Acceleration Datatructure

+400 FPS@N=4k / +60%

  • Filter by \(\lVert \mathbf{\vec{x_i} - \vec{x_j}} \rVert \le \kappa\) when building neighbour lists instead of saving supersets with all particles in neighbouring grid cells. ~15%@N=4k
  • Binary search directly in particle handles, don’t build a compact list of filled cells like suggested in Compressed Neighbor Lists for SPH (???). ~30%@N=4k
  • Use an XYZ curve that is faster to compute than a Morton Code (?) ~15%@N=4k

Testing the Acceleration Datatructure

For \(\kappa \in [0.9, 1.0, 1.1], \, N=5000\) particles are randomly distributed in \([-10;10]\) and the neighbour sets for each compared to the ones computed per brute force in \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\). This is repeated 10 times. ✅

Screenshot of the Datastructure Test

Current State of the Project


  • What does \(\sum_j \left(\mathbf{(\vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j)} \odot \nabla W_{ij} \right) = -\frac{1}{V} \cdot \mathbf{\vec{1}}\) actually mean? Why does it always fail for ideal sampling?
  • Why did the test for the spiky kernel fail?
  • Why do the stable parameters differ so wildly from kernel to kernel?
  • Why did not producing a compact filled cell list improve neighbour search performance? (size of the system?)
  • How can energy conservation accurately be tracked?

Conclusions - After the Meeting

  • \(\sum_j \left(\mathbf{(\vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j)} \odot \nabla W_{ij} \right) = -\frac{1}{V} \cdot \mathbf{\vec{1}}\) actually worked! Error tolerances were to low
    • Cubic Spline has 1.3% error, as expected
    • Double Cosine has 4.7% error
    • The gradients are now normalized such that this error is zero by applying a constant factor.
  • Remove consistency check with finite difference

  • The Spiky Kernel was removed from the simulation.

  • Kernel normalization in the Cubic Spline kernel was off by a factor of \(\frac{1}{h}\) because of an error in the slides that was copied (p.64).
    • this was neatly demonstrated in the “Stability as an interval over stiffness k”-Section, where the interval for k was off by exactly \(\frac{1}{h}=\frac{1}{0.03}=33\frac{1}{3}\)