Better Rendering


Rendering particles as circles:

  • looks noisy
  • is physically inaccurate/misleading
  • creates aliasing (especially at smaller resolutions)
  • clobbers quality when video compression is used

Rendering with particles as circles


  • Use SPH to interpolate, then visualize
    • storing acceleration datastructure each frame takes too much memory
    • rendering each frame when simulating disallows responsive zooming/panning etc.
    • an SPH query per pixel is expensive


  • particles are quads with side length \(4h\)
  • instanciate a quad at each particle location
  • give each quad a white texture with SPH kernel weight in alpha channel
    • Cubic Spline Kernel for \(h=1\) used: \(W(q) = \frac{5}{14\pi} \max(0, 2-q)^3 -4 \max(0, 1-q)^3\)
    • calculate pixel centre’s distance from texture centre: \(d\)
    • normalize to \(\hat{d} \in [0;\sqrt{2}]\)
    • for \(h=1\) in 2D the kernel support is \(2\) and \(W(0)=0.45\)
    • use \(r=255, g=255, b=255, \alpha = 255*\left\lfloor\frac{W(2\hat{d})}{0.45}\right\rfloor\)
  • tint the texture according to particle velocity/density/etc in a material

\(\Longrightarrow\) abuse OpenGL to perform SPH sums!

Rendering with particles as textured quads that approximate kernel sums